活動 Global Game Jam 2015
項目頁面 https://globalgamejam.org/2015/games/ascension
影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HumUcn1s2xA
BGM Ascension @ Johnson Chu


Ascension is an adventure puzzle game where the protagonist travels between the future and present in the same locations, where the future looks bleak for the player and mankind and hence the question: What do we do now? The players must travel between the present and future through doors in the maps, as they level up (Ascend) while solving different issues related to the earth’s ecosystem. One wrong move can kill the player. The game aims to highlight the critical decisions of mankind and how it will negatively or positively influence the outcome of the earths ecology, all the while, while asking “WHAT DO WE DO NOW?!”


移動 方向鍵
吸引物體/吸收種子 右鍵
排斥物體/喚出種子 左鍵